If you have an alcoholic in your life, it’s sometimes tough to stay positive and avoid just walking away. When you care about the person, you want to help them, but the truth is that they are the only person that can take the first steps to help themselves. You can work hard to assist them with the process of quitting. However, there are times when all the support and encouragement in the world are not enough. Make sure you stay optimistic and believe that the time will come when your loved one agrees to treatment and succeeds in overcoming their alcoholism. Remember what attracted you to them, and what made you love them. This is important or you may not make it. Realize that you may be frustrated at times, while other times you will see the best of them as they face up to the challenges that are presented to them. It’s often more difficult if you live with an alcoholic who turns mean when they drink but then flips back to being the loving person you originally fell in love with. Of course, this can end in moments if they begin drinking again. This inconsistency is the hardest thing to live with.
Remind yourself how your loved one used to be and about all the things that made you love them. This may help for a while, but enduring years of alcohol abuse often makes it hard to think about the happier times. People in a relationship with an alcoholic need to be strong. This can be challenging sometimes, but when you love the person, it’s important to try. It is hard to watch the person you love do this to themselves, but you need to be compassionate. If you stay determined it is possible to make a difference.
Don’t forget that there are many resources available to help you, your family members, and your loved ones. Many people have found groups such as Al-Anon can be helpful. You can listen to the stories of others in a similar situation talk. Often you may find that you can relate to what they are saying. After all, you are living in a situation very similar to most of them. This type of support is important to help you endure the tough times. Reach out to trusted family and friends for support as well. Often we try to hide these issues. But if your family knows nothing about what is happening, they are unable to be supportive.
Reminisce about all the good times and positive interactions you shared. This does not solve your problem, but it can offer hope and remind you of the times when liquor did not control your life. You see the person you loved standing next to you. Reminiscing with the sober alcoholic may give them positive images of what could be as well. Often it is in these moments that they start to think about what they are doing and want a change.
Helping someone overcome addiction requires honesty. Let them know you are feeling alone. Reassure them that you will support them, however, it’s up to them to make the changes needed to overcome their addiction. You may not be able to do it for them, but you can support their efforts to overcome the challenges of addiction when they agree to treatment. You and your family are an important part of the process, but the person that drinks is the only one that can make the changes required to provide a better life for all of
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