How Alcohol Affects Women

women and alcohol


When it comes to alcohol consumption, myths abound. But there is at least one commonly held belief about alcohol that has been proven to be true: it has a more profound effect on women than men.

The reasons that alcohol affects women differently are many. They include the following:

* Women have less water in their bodies than men. When men drink alcohol, more of it is diluted by that extra water. When women drink, a larger portion of the alcohol consumed remains in their bodies.

* A woman’s hormones have an effect on how much she is impaired by alcohol. Women who are premenstrual or take birth control pills tend to be affected more by alcohol because they have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies. And women naturally have more estrogen than men.

* On average, women weigh less than men. That means that if a woman drinks the same amount of alcohol as a larger man, she will have a higher concentration of alcohol in her bloodstream.

* Women have lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase in their bodies than men. This enzyme helps the body break down alcohol. The fact that women have less of it means that more pure alcohol enters the bloodstream.

As a result of these factors, alcohol is more detrimental to the health of women than it is to the health of men. Studies have shown that women incur damage to many different body systems from the consumption of alcohol. Findings include:

* Women experience liver damage more quickly from the consumption of alcohol than men. They are more likely to die from cirrhosis or develop alcoholic hepatitis.

* Moderate alcohol consumption can lower our risk of heart disease, but women who drink heavily are at higher risk for a variety of heart problems.

* Women who consume more than one drink per day may be at higher risk for breast cancer.

* Female drinkers have historically been less likely than male drinkers to drive under the influence. But women have a greater risk of dying in an alcohol-related accident than men who have the same blood alcohol concentration. Also, the percentage of female drivers in deadly alcohol-related crashes is on the rise.

* Females who drink alcohol are more likely to be victims of sexual or domestic violence.

How Much Is Too Much?

It is well known that drinking alcohol in moderation has health benefits. And there have been no dangers linked to having an occasional drink. But there’s a great deal of misunderstanding about how much one can drink and still practice moderation.

As a general rule, two drinks a day is believed to be acceptable. But many experts believe that women should have no more than one drink per day. Even those who do not drink on a daily basis are advised to have no more than four drinks in a 24-hour period.

Alcohol poses serious risks to both sexes. But due to certain characteristics of the female body, women are particularly prone to adverse effects. Drinking in moderation, or not at all, is the best way to protect ourselves from the dangers of alcohol consumption.

If you or a loved one need help with Alcohol addiction, (or any other type of addiction) We can help.

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