College should be a time of learning and fun. Lots of college students turn to alcohol for fun. They are partying every weekend. This partying includes drinking large amounts of alcohol. Some college students turn to alcohol to help them deal with the stress of school. Whichever the reason, more college students are dealing with alcoholism.
College students want to fit in. They want to be part of the ‘in-crowd. Many times this means drinking. Each weekend there are numerous parties held on college campuses and off. The students attending are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Sometimes they pass out they have drank so much. Other times they have blackouts and cannot recall what happened. Often college students are brought into the emergency room with alcohol poisoning. Sometimes the outcome is much worse, and the college student dies from drinking too much alcohol.
College can place a lot of stress upon the student. They have to often stay up all night studying for exams. There is pressure from parents to perform well. Often the college student is paying their own way through school. This can mean going to class and then going to work. While doing this the student still has to find time for homework and social life. This pressure can really take a toll on the student. They may turn to alcohol to help them relax.
They may use alcohol as a way of staying up all night to study. This can quickly lead to alcoholism.
College students need to be taught coping strategies for the pressure and stress in their lives. They need to be aware of the dangers of using alcohol to cope. It is very important to talk with your college student. Make sure they are dealing with college alright. If they are having problems reassure them they can turn to you.
If you see signs of alcoholism in your college student do not ignore them. Talk with your child and get them help. College should be a great start to their future, not a possible end to their life. Alcoholism is very serious and college students need to be aware of the risks associated with excessive drinking.
To learn more and find out how we can help you or your loved one deal with addictions click here
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